An Easy Way to Post More in Just 5 Steps
For years I felt that I should be posting on social media, but I didn’t start because I had all of these reasons in my head for why it wouldn’t work out. I thought things like…
- I don’t have anything interesting to post about on a regular basis.
- It would probably take too much time in my days to make content.
- I don’t know how to put a cool post together.
Then, I read a book called “Show Your Work” by Austin Kleon(book summary here). Long story short, the book gave me a great process for making content and posting online consistently.
I used that process over the last month and a half for myself, and in that time I’ve posted more than I have in my life.
Here’s the process explained in 5 steps for anyone looking to post more and grow their online presence. I hope it helps!
Step 1 - Document stuff by taking pictures and screenshots.
I have a work journal that I write in on a regular basis. As well, I take a lot of notes in my phone when I read a book, solve a life problem, make progress towards a goal, or have a cool idea.
Whenever I take these notes(notebook or in my phone) and something especially stands out to me, I take a picture or screenshot of it.
Step 2 - Make a folder or photo album on your phone for all of your photos that could be used for posts.
Go to the photos app on your phone and create a new folder/photo album. Then, label that folder “usable”.
Here’s what it looks like on my phone. Ignore the other pics lol:
Step 3 - At the end of every month, move your usable photos to the folder from step 2.
At the end of each month, I look through all of the pictures and screenshots I’ve taken over the last 30 days and look for anything that I could possibly use as a post.
Whenever I find something that can be used, I move it over the the “usable” folder from step 2.
Tip — Before I move something to the “usable” folder, I look at the list of questions below. If I can answer “yes” to at least one of the questions, then I move the picture to the folder. However, if I can’t answer “yes” to any of the questions below, then I won’t use the picture. This helps me be sure that I’m making posts that will bring some sort of value to the people who view it.
- Is it funny?(making people laugh)
- Is it educational?(teaching people something they didn’t know before)
- Is it useful?(giving people practical info that they can use in their life)
- Is it inspirational?(giving people an image of where they want to be)
- Is it relatable?(lets people know that they’re not the only one feeling how they feel)
- Is it timely?(talking about something recent in culture that people are caring about)
Step 4 - Set a timer for 2 hours and write out as many posts as possible.
On the same day that I go through the pictures and screenshots I’ve taken over the last month, I make as many posts as I can for the upcoming month.
To do this, I…
- Set a timer for 2 hours
- Go through all of the pictures I have in the “usable” folder
- Using each of the pictures and screenshots as inspiration, I write out as many posts as possible before the timer goes off
So far, I’ve been able to write out about 15 to 20 posts(mostly for Twitter and my blog) in that 2 hours. That’s 15–20 posts for only 2 hours per month. That’s not bad.
Step 5 - Post every day
I’ve made it a part of my daily routine to come back to the list of posts that I have written out for the month, then pick one, type it out on Twitter or my Substack blog, and post.
I’ve been doing this just over the last month and a half roughly, and I already have a lot of posts out there. It’s cool to see because you could go from having no online presence to having a lot of posts in just one month.
Thanks for reading! If you found the info here useful and would like more, but in a customized way to help you reach your next business or personal goal, sign up for a free game plan at my site, We’ll be happy to help! — from Nick