How to get more done in less time
Have you ever had a project or a time in life where there was so much to do that it was overwhelming and you thought “I have no idea how I’m gonna get all of this done”?
I’ve definitely been there before, and it’s stressful(really stressful). But luckily for us, there’s a process for dealing with those times of having too much to do.
Here it is in just 4 steps. I hope it helps!
Step 1 - Make a list of all the things you’d need to get done.
You can write your list on a piece of paper, or a notes page on your phone or laptop.
If the list turns out to be so big that it seems impossible to get everything done, no worries. We’ll narrow it down in the next step
Step 2 - Narrow down the list.
To narrow down the list of todos, ask yourself these 2 questions:
- Of what I have written down on my list, what 20% of the things would result in 80% of my desired outcome(s) and happiness?
- Of what I have written down on my list, what 20% of the things would bring the lowest results towards my desired outcome(s) and happiness?
For now, cut everything that fell under question #2 out of the list of todos and only focus on getting done what’s under question #1.
Step 3 - Organize what you have left on the list by order of importance.
With what’s left on your list, watch this video and organize your todos by the 4 quadrants:
And easy way to do this is to write down beneath your list:
- Q1 - urgent and important(be like Nike and just do it)
- Q2 - important but not urgent(schedule it out, or do it after what’s in Q1)
- Q3 - urgent but not important(automate it, find a system that makes doing this easier, or delegate to someone else)
- Q4 - not urgent or important(delete)
Then place each todo that you have under the correct category.
Step 4 - Start doing whatever is still on the list
Now that you have your organized list, start getting things done beginning with Quad 1(things that are urgent and important).
Thanks for reading! If you found the info here useful and would like more, but in a customized way to help you reach your next business or personal goal, sign up for a free game plan at my site, We’ll be happy to help! — from Nick